Trouble at work, how to tell the boss

If the boss increasingly meets you with the remark: “Well, what else happened?”, It means that you are the one who informs the boss about all the troubles at work, which is the cause of stress. In the old days, those who brought bad news were executed. Nowadays, unfortunate messengers are not beheaded, but bosses, as a rule, do not like such people.

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Trouble at work, how to tell the boss
Bad news at work

If the boss increasingly meets you with the remark: “Well, what else happened?”, It means that you are the one who informs the boss about all the troubles at work, which is the cause of stress. In the old days, those who brought bad news were executed. Nowadays, unfortunate messengers are not beheaded, but bosses, as a rule, do not like such people.
What is the right thing to do in such a situation? Whether you like it or not, it is necessary to report problems to the boss. I bring to your attention a few rules that will help you understand the complex issues of the psychology of human relations and competently inform management about troubles at work:

Rule 1. Take your time if you have time.

It is necessary to bring to the attention of management only those unpleasant news that relate to your immediate duties.
If the situation is not force majeure and time endures, then it is better not to hurry with the report. Try to calm down, as a rule, a person is not afraid of a mistake, but of the punishment itself. You will have the opportunity to survive the onset of stress, find out the reasons, think about the solution to the problem and prepare for a difficult conversation.

Rule 2: Timely Information Builds Trust

This does not mean at all that, having taken off, you need to rush to the boss with a report, but it is not recommended to drag it out for too long.
Don't deliver bad news early in the morning as soon as your boss walks into the office. Telling him about the problems that have arisen 5 minutes before the meeting with senior management or between times is also not worth it. Depending on the importance of the information received, ask your boss to give you 10-15 minutes to have an important conversation about the company.

Rule 3. State the problem consistently.

State the problem briefly, do not show negative emotions. Analyze why, in your opinion, there were troubles at work, offer your solution to the problem. When analyzing the causes, use a chronological approach, which will create an objective picture of events and a phased course of their development.
This scheme of presenting the problem will make it possible to clearly show exactly where the mistake was made and what factors could not be predicted in advance.
If trouble at work occurred due to the fault of a particular person, do not depersonalize the problem. Having received veiled information, the boss may misunderstand the situation and punish the innocent.
If you yourself are guilty of what happened or partially guilty, then directly tell the manager about it. Speak openly about your guilt, without any fawning or justification.

Rule 4. What is the best way to start a conversation?

Start the report with the words: “I have bad news for you,” and immediately go to the heart of the matter. If you don't like this sentence, come up with an original conversation starter yourself.
Try to keep the conversation constructive, for this, offer a solution to the trouble that has arisen and specific actions to get out of a critical situation. It will be much better if you offer several options and at the same time tell that you are ready to take on part of the work.

Studying the psychology of human relations allows you to correctly orient yourself in making decisions and eliminating troubles at work, and the management will have a good opinion about you. There is no trouble at work, and there is no reason for stress.

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