Articles and publications about work & : Job Articles and publications about work & : Job en © 2023 Jobs part&time Market & Urgent urgent vacancies Sun, 14 May 2023 00:14:40 +0300 prokurator When looking for a job, everyone wants to quickly find the right vacancies and find the desired position. In our article, we will help you find the answer to the question: "Where and how to find urgent vacancies?". You will learn about the search technique, the places where such vacancies are usually posted, and how to properly respond to the employer's call. After reading this article, you will receive valuable tips and tricks that will help you quickly find the job of your dreams. How can a woman correct a difficult situation at work? Sat, 29 Apr 2023 04:18:27 +0300 prokurator How often at work, where we spend most of our time, difficult situations arise, sometimes such that a lump rises in the throat, I want to burst into tears and scream, I want to almost quit my job and not see these people. How to go to work with pleasure? Tue, 25 Apr 2023 01:55:32 +0300 prokurator Information about how to go to work with pleasure Where can I find a suitable job for a woman? Tue, 11 Apr 2023 00:38:22 +0300 prokurator The question of employment sooner or later arises for every person, while not everyone can quickly find out where to start looking for a job. How to look for a job Tue, 11 Apr 2023 00:38:07 +0300 prokurator Finding a job is a very serious matter, a kind of system of actions that includes not only viewing ads, compiling a competent resume, but also passing an interview and telephone conversations. What are the types of income on the Internet Tue, 11 Apr 2023 00:37:59 +0300 prokurator In life, successful people strive to find as many sources of income as possible, similarly with the Internet. Fear of losing your job Tue, 11 Apr 2023 00:37:52 +0300 prokurator My dear reader, what makes you get up in the morning and run to work? Why are you doing all this? What are you working for? Probably in most cases, fear, greed, money control a person. Why don't you want to work? Tue, 11 Apr 2023 00:37:45 +0300 prokurator This happens to everyone. For some, these feelings appear from time to time, while for others they are a frequent visitor. Be that as it may, the question: why you don’t want to work remains open for many and often difficult to solve. Is working on the Internet a business? Tue, 11 Apr 2023 00:37:45 +0300 prokurator Recently, communicating with people, I hear that many have an erroneous opinion about their work on the Internet. Many people believe that if they do not work for anyone, they receive income from their work on the Internet, then this means that they are doing business. Bullying in the workplace Tue, 11 Apr 2023 00:37:28 +0300 prokurator For a new employee, a predator by nature, one that will go over the heads for the sake of a goal, the new team will not be a particular problem. Bullying and boycotts won't work on him. He sets goals and goes to her. You're busy? And do you need helpers? Sun, 02 Apr 2023 00:44:17 +0300 prokurator Outsourcing enables enterprises and organizations to release the resources of their employees and direct them to the development and development of new areas or to strengthen issues that require special attention. How to make money in 2023 Fri, 31 Mar 2023 16:31:38 +0300 prokurator In 2023, many will be looking for opportunities to make money. With the rapid growth of digital technologies and the emergence of new types of online businesses, employers will be looking for people who will grow their business and make successful investments. Average salaries by profession Fri, 31 Mar 2023 03:53:13 +0300 prokurator The average salary in Russia is 57,340 rubles. The average of all salaries in the vacancies of the site. The median salary in Russia is 45,000 rubles. The average figure excluding the highest and lowest salaries. Modal salary in Russia - 30,000 rubles. The most frequent amount of salary in the vacancies of the site. Medium and large businesses began to cooperate more actively with the self&employed Fri, 31 Mar 2023 01:52:13 +0300 prokurator The self-employed began to actively integrate into the business processes of medium and large entrepreneurs. For the self-employed themselves, this is an opportunity to receive higher and more stable incomes, and for businesses, it is an opportunity to attract good specialists on more favorable terms. Hiring seasonal employees Fri, 31 Mar 2023 01:36:29 +0300 prokurator It is generally accepted that seasonal employees thaw like snowdrops in spring to spend the summer season in the fields, and then live on what they earn all winter. However, this is not entirely true, as there are different types of seasonal work. They can be divided into three categories.